About Me

I knew I wanted to be painter when I was 12 years old. On a lazy summer day, I wandered into the garage, found an old window shade, a piece of cardboard, black paint, and a brush. Rather quickly an abstract tree emerged, and after hanging it in my room, I was forever enchanted with abstract art. However, my excitement lasted less than a day.

Hardly able to contain my enthusiasm, I showed my father what I created. He ridiculed it, and brokenhearted, I threw the painting into the trash. Underlying this event, was a very hard to please man and a kid who craved his approval. A piece of me was on that window shade that I can still see in my mind’s eye.

For many years afterwards I was gratefully able to explore my artistic interests in weaving and metalsmithing, yet never seriously faced this early disappointment. Not until the Pandemic. Somehow, being sequestered for so many months allowed me to wrestle with my past. My initial steps into painting involved intense disappointment and frustration. Often, I considered quitting. One evening I went to bed telling myself I had to stop painting for my mental well-being; it was not making sense to continue. The morning brought a different message – quitting was not an option.

Dogged determination and a seemingly happenstance occurrence led me out of this rough beginning. Not expecting much, I placed my work in contemporary styled rooms, and instantly responded positively.  This simple action changed my perspective, and once again, quite like the 12 year old girl, I loved what I saw.

My father has certainly left his mark on my life. The foregoing is a sad tale for both of us. But one that ends well. Paradoxically, his steering me away from art helped launch my career as a psychotherapist, one that I love as much as art. I have a profound sense of how important it is to get through difficult influences in our lives. The answer is in the journey.

Gratitude to the Teachers
In 2020 I started studying the painting methods of Jane Davies, abstract, multi-media painter. I took a number of courses with Judy Woods, first place winner of the Art2Life International Juried Art Exhibition and was fortunate to become one of her coaches.

I took the Creative Visionary Program with Nicholas Wilton and have been an Academy member for 2 years.

My Work
My work reflects my appreciation of contrast. I like geometric shapes, clean lines, and space. And I love these qualities right next to organic textures and shapes, and meandering lines. These design preferences are merely expressions of my life. I value being vulnerable, compassionate, flexible and spiritual. And in the same breath being practical, strong, clear, and straightforward.

Author of “Maker Magic: How to Develop Your Voice Designing Art Jewelry.” E-book, 2015, 173 pages.

Writer for Lapidary Journal, Wire Jewelry and Art Jewelry Magazines.

Instructor in art jewelry, metalsmithing and art jewelry design. Variety of venues in the US, San Diego Community College, Idyllwild Arts Academy, and home studio.